Thanks to my kittens I work at Tinx!

We have asked some questions to our collegue Bob what working at Tinx is, how the culture is and more.

“My name is Bob van der Lelie. I work as a sales consultant at Tinx, a role I have been enjoying for the past six years. Before starting my career in sales, I worked for two years in the support department at Tinx”.

How did you end up at Tinx?
“My journey to Tinx is actually quite a story. I was looking for a new job, and coincidentally, the owner of Tinx was looking for kittens. My mother-in-law had a litter of kittens, and during our conversation about this, it came up that I was looking for work. I had experience in IT and was searching for something new. This conversation took place in March 2016. We hit it off well, and I was soon able to start in the support department. This work was similar to my previous job, where I did troubleshooting for PCs”.

How did you transition to the sales department at Tinx?
Initially, I started in the support department, which aligned well with my previous work experience at the service desk of a computer store. What I liked about support was the direct customer contact and solving problems for them. However, I realized I missed the aspect of finding real solutions for the customer. Coincidentally, a position opened up in the sales department. I expressed my ambitions, and after half a year in a hybrid role (both support and sales), I fully transitioned to sales. My experience in support proved to be a good foundation for my work in sales, as I already knew a lot about solving customer problems.

Why did you choose Tinx?
I was looking for a new challenge and something completely different. At Tinx, I could work more with software, which turned out to be a great combination. Moreover, there was a lot of room for growth and realizing my ambitions.

What does your average day look like as a sr. Sales Executive?
I live in our CRM system (HubSpot), which contains all our contacts, opportunities, and pipelines. I start the day by checking my emails and tasks for the day. Next to that I have several meetings with clients to determine the scope of projects, follow up on leads, and create quotes.

What are your additional side activities?
I am part of the core team within Tinx and assist with pre-sales activities. Additionally, I help build and maintain partnerships and am a member of the party committee.

How many projects/clients do you handle per day?
This varies greatly depending on the time of year and the day. On average, I handle between 5 and 10 projects or clients per day. Some days I follow up on 10 leads, other days I create 2 quotes and visit customers.

Where does your expertise lie? Platform, B2C/B2B, or industry?
I see myself as an all-rounder who can talk about anything thanks to my eight years of experience at Tinx. I have broad knowledge of different platforms and work with both B2C and B2B clients.

Where do you get your satisfaction and energy from?
Absolutely from customer contact. Making a good connection with the customer and creating a positive impression.

Which project are you really proud of?
I am very proud of the prestige project with Residence Wijnen. This was a very big project with many challenges that we did not offer as standard. We have delivered an omni-channel solution: POS, webshop, integrations. We custom-made everything, and the customer is still very satisfied with us to this day. Additionally, I get a lot of pleasure from projects with a short turnaround time, where we can quickly provide a solution and go live within a short period.

 What would you like to learn or where would you like to grow within Tinx?
There is always room for growth and improvement. I want to keep developing myself and would like to get even better at identifying customers’ pain points and needs so that I can make even better proposals for them.